Those feelings seem off right now since my stove is full of the good food we grow here on the farm. Bone broth with plenty of ham and chicken pieces to make soups and salads with. Plenty of root crops and winter squashes and because of the high tunnels every green imaginable. We pay the price with our daily physical work for that food, but what about those who are unable to (and yes there are real reasons why some people are not privileged enough). I took my mom to the grocery store and picked up too many things. I tend to do that-and it’s something I want to work on decreasing (becoming less and less depending on the comfort items from the store). Becoming dependent on this good food that we grow and the food grown by our farming friends just seems right to me. When I think back to generations past who had less options I recognize that there must have been a desire there that caused serious pain-and I’m thankful we have increased technology and knowledge now. What I know now and many may not have known back then is that there is something to be gained from the simplicity and limited diet that eating with the seasons and close to home brings. We can choose to exchange the excess which-always, always-comes with strings attached for something that puts food in it’s place and turns us back towards more important things-friends, family, balance, thankfulness.
Speaking of thankfulness we have two dear friends traveling up from Florida this week to indulge us with the deliciousness of freshly picked, ripe strawberries and citrus. Just the thought of it makes me wish that I had left a few more things at the grocery store so that the first bite of those sacred fruits will be all the more meaningful. Another lesson towards realistic simplicity for me. Capturing the thoughts that I know I don’t fully know yet and thinking of them through the day in order to choose a more thankful, simple life. Even still-these gifts will be accepted and appreciated more than the givers can ever know. Want to get some for yourself? You can.