Our new farm is 20 acres just a few miles out of Bowling Green. Sitting on the farm is a home built in the 1830’s with a facility already plumbed for a certified kitchen. This has presented an opportunity for our family that we are very much looking forward to. We cannot wait to open up our home to folks across the state to learn about the history of Kentucky family farms and the food that has and will sustain us. We will be looking to each of you for support and encouragement along the way.
If you would like to give to our Kiva loan you can use this link. You can lend as little as $5 and you will receive your money back to keep or loan again.
When I was first introduced to the idea of local food as a main source for nutrition there were a lot of comments about French food and Paris kitchens (aka fancy food). In many ways that discredits the food that Kentucky farmers grow. This is Kentucky food, grown on farms right here in Kentucky and eaten by folks like me and like you. We want our farm to be a place that digs into the history of Kentucky farms, the division of prosperity, barriers that have separated us as a culture from the food grown in our backyard and the opportunities that were lost, but not forgotten. I think about the food that was grown on this farm, the women who gave birth here, the men who tended the fields or went off to war only to be brought back only for burial in the family cemetery. We want to dig into ways this farm can help overcome the obstacles that have been created while being thankful for the modern resources that are available to us.
“It is clear; then, that a family farm is not just a set of things, relationships, and practices but a set of values. The family farm is more than soil and livestock. It is also traditional meaning and values attached to the land.” Food and Everyday Life, Van Willigen & Van Willigen