Carter is growing up to be such a great young man. Yesterday he was given the opportunity to put into action years of advice, parenting, and moments of reflection. He was playing in Elizabeth’s room (without permission I’ll add) with a friend and they accidentally broke the glass in her window. After it happened he took a few moments to gather up the strength to go talk to Nathan about it (I wasn’t home). Nathan’s immediate response was anger and frustration. After giving him some space Carter took some time to write Nathan a letter explaining the situation and asking for forgiveness. After he gave Nathan some time to read the letter he came with an offer to raise the money to replace the window. He came to each of these steps on his own-but only after years of talking through not only how he should make things right with others, but witnessing our conversations and struggles on how we can do the same. Thankful that we allow our kids to see the ins and outs of our daily lives-the good and bad. I’m certain that is how he was able to wrestle with all of the feelings that lead to making good, confident decisions in order to make amends.
We recently attended the visitation for our good friend David Dennison. I met David when I started placing the flower orders for Jackson’s Orchard years and years ago and then our friendship continued to grow as I worked to help tobacco farmers transition to fruit and vegetable crops and later oversaw the landscape management of the city of Bowling Green. I mention all of that because David ran one of the largest greenhouse operations in the area-and he always had the upmost respect for me. Even when I was barely 20 years old he treated me with respect, asked of my opinion, and offered me dignity. Since I’ve often experienced the opposite from older men I’ll forever be thankful for his respect-we miss you David.