So here I was alive and well, but forever an only child. I must be honest that I have no idea what it’s like to have a sibling, but I’ve put plenty of thought into what it was like to be an only child.
Being an only child left me with my thoughts-and now that I have four children I realize what a novelty that really is. Alone often-my thoughts piling up in my head-I would begin to form them into sentences and paragraphs. Sometimes they came out in song-particularly when I was sitting outside and alone-on beautiful days like today. Other times I would have to write them down. As I got older those thoughts would be passed onto friends at school-who must have thought me pretty crazy. Later into articles for publications and now into random ramblings on my website.
I think that being an only child has offered me a special appreciation for the life of others. My family is never complete and I’m always looking at welcoming one more person into it. That’s special in a world where most do not even know their neighbors-and for that I’m thankful.
So here is me warmly offering a National Happy Sibling day to all of those who were an only child and believed that your home, mom, dog, and memories were somehow a special extension of yourself-and wondered if others would ever understand.