After time we stepped back into the grocery store aisles and filled our cart with the brightly colored packaged foods that tastes so good, but those same symptoms came back quickly and we were motivated to find connection through healthy food again when our daughter Lilah suffered with food allergies and then a few years later when Nathan’s mom was diagnosed with health issues related to food. What we’ve learned is that it’s a journey-not a tried and true change of habits. I wish it were that simple, don’t you? I’ve learned that separating myself from the processed and packaged food from the grocery store from time to time helps encourage me to pick up simple techniques for cooking fresh food. I’m reminded at how easy a meal can come together with simple ingredients like extra virgin olive oil and salt. I truly believe that we were meant to eat fresh food that is in season, locally. While it’s difficult to obtain this in a restricted way-even for our family-making a commitment through shopping at the farmers market each week or joining a CSA helps hold us accountable. It’s through that connection to one another that we become motivated to make real differences that improve our quality of life and allow us to follow our callings to serve one another.
I’d like to introduce you to two CSA options that I believe may help you make your own commitment to fresh, local food over the coming year.
THINK little
We are excited to announce that Jordan and Jackson Rolett will be launching a $20 CSA option in October. This is just the right amount for smaller households or those who only prepare a couple of meals at home each week. They only have a few spots left so let them know if you would like to make a commitment.
For more information EMAIL JORDAN AND JACKSON
Farm Fresh-But Already Fixed
Emily is one of those friends who helps keep me accountable to fresh food through our Monday evening meals here at the farm. She will be starting a convenient, prepared food CSA in less than a month that is perfect for those who want to eat healthy, but do not have as much time to cook. Like Think Little, Emily’s prepared food CSA will be limited to a small number of households so let her know if you are ready to join.
For more information EMAIL EMILY
As we step back a little to find more balance for our family we’ve been blessed to share our opportunities with these two families. By joining the Think Little or Farm Fresh CSA’s you are not only making a commitment to your own health, but you are also supporting young families who are making a commitment to following their callings, putting in the hard work and changing their community. In addition to their work at Hickory Lane Farm and launching their own CSA’s both families are committed to their community and put countless hours into making sure everyone in our community has access to fresh food. Your financial support ensures that they can continue following this dream.